Our online range of empty reusable bottles for alcohol-free drinks
At Systempack you will find a huge range of empty reusable bottles for alcohol-free drinks in different shapes, colours and sizes.
Maurer 50ml
Kropfhals 200ml
Maurer 200ml
Tonic 200ml
Handy 240ml
Ale 250ml
Bordeaux Wasser 250ml
Energy 250ml
Energy 250ml
Gloria 250ml
Maurer 250ml
Maurer 250ml
Vichy 250ml
Energy 275ml
Ale 330ml
Ale 330ml
Bordeaux Wasser 330ml
Bordeaux Wasser 330ml
Euro 330ml
Euro 330ml
Euro 330ml
Gourmet 330ml
Handy 330ml
Maurer 330ml
NRW 330ml
Steinie 330ml
Steinie 330ml
Stubsi 330ml
Maurer 350ml
Ale 500ml
Bavaria 500ml
Bavaria 500ml
Bordeaux Wasser 500ml
Euro 500ml
Euro 500ml
Frankonia 500ml
Frankonia 500ml
Gastric tube bottle 500ml
Gloria 500ml
Maurer 500ml
Milch (Milk) 500ml
NRW 500ml
Pinta 500ml
Pinta 500ml
Viola 500ml
Viola 500ml
Baden 700ml
Bordeaux Wasser 750ml
Euro 750ml
Frankonia 750ml
Frankonia 750ml
Frescor 750ml
Kropfhals 750ml
Kropfhals 750ml
Maurer 750ml
NRW 750ml
Viola 750ml
Viola 750ml
Water2go 750ml
Baden 1000ml
Bordeaux Wasser 1000ml
Euro 1000ml
Maurer 1000ml
Milch (Milk) 1000ml
Milch (Milk) 1000ml
San Antonio 1000ml
St. Leonhard 1000ml
Stubbi 1000ml
Universal 1000ml
Empty reusable bottles in many sizes
The demand for drinks without alcohol is higher than ever before. Our product portfolio covers a large number of bottles in different shapes, colours and sizes. Whether you need a suitable container for a litre or a different size in white or other colours, for oil, juice or any other liquid, you’re sure to find the right empty glass bottle here.
Empty glass bottles as an alternative to Tetra packs etc.
Of course, filling glass bottles with liquids has been around for a long time. However, while this practice was very common in the past, today many drinks come in tetra packs and other materials. But glass bottles, e.g. for milk, are experiencing a comeback, especially for environmentally conscious goods. Saving resources by reusing things is becoming an increasingly important concern for a growing number of consumers. If you reuse old or used materials, or use them more often, fewer new ones have to be produced and this protects the environment.
Our range of reusable bottles is large
It doesn’t matter what sort of reusable bottle you decide on, you can still make it your own and make it fit your product or brand. Just get in touch with us and we can make something unique with our design, production and finishing processes.
Reusable glass bottles designed for your product
Our range of reusable bottles is large. No matter what sort of reusable bottle you decide on, you can still make it your own by developing a new bottle shape with us that fits your product or brand. Just get in touch with us and we can make something unique with our design, production and finishing processes.
Reusable bottles in many colours
Not all glass bottles are created equal. They don’t just differ in size and shape, there is also a very large range of colours. The colour palette ranges from white to black. We also offer various models in the colours antique blue, antique green, green, champagne green, blue and brown. Get in touch!